
The atomistics package is a pure python code, which can be installed either via the Python Package Index (pypi) or via the conda package manager. Still the atomistics package only contains interfaces to the corresponding simulation codes, not the simulation codes itself. Consequently, an installation via the conda package manager is recommended as it allows to install many opensource simulation codes in the same environment as the atomistics package without the need to compile the simulation code manually. The conda packages for these simulation codes are maintained by the developers of the atomistics package in collaboration with the developers of the corresponding simulation codes.

conda-based Installation#

For the conda-based installation both the atomistics package as well as the corresponding simulation codes are distributed via the conda-forge community channel. By specifying the option -c conda-forge the conda package manager installs the dependencies from the conda-forge community channel.

conda install -c conda-forge atomistics

As the atomistics package depends on the Atomic Simulation Environment the effective medium theory potential simulation code EMT is automatically installed with the basic installation of the atomistics package. In the following the simulation codes are sorted in alphabetical order:


Abinit - Plane wave density functional theory:

conda install -c conda-forge abinit


GPAW - Density functional theory Python code based on the projector-augmented wave method:

conda install -c conda-forge gpaw


LAMMPS - Molecular Dynamics:

conda install -c conda-forge lammps pylammpsmpi jinja2 pandas iprpy-data

In addition to the conda package for the LAMMPS simulation code the interface in the atomistics package uses the pylammpsmpi, jinja2 templates, the pandas DataFrames to represent interatomic potentials, and finally it can leverage the NIST database for interatomic potentials via the iprpy-data package, which includes a wide range of interatomic potentials. The iprpy-data package is optional.

Quantum Espresso#

Quantum Espresso - Integrated suite of Open-Source computer codes for electronic-structure calculations:

conda install -c conda-forge qe

To support the structure optimization inside quantum espresso the pwtools are required as output parser:

conda install -c conda-forge pwtools

Finally, the Standard solid-state pseudopotentials (SSSP) can also be installed via conda-forge using:

conda install -c conda-forge sssp

To use these inside quantum espresso, the ESPRESSO_PSEUDO environment variable has to be set to:

export ESPRESSO_PSEUDO=${PREFIX}/share/sssp


Siesta - Electronic structure calculations and ab initio molecular dynamics:

conda install -c conda-forge siesta


Phonopy - open source package for phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels:

conda install -c phonopy seekpath structuretoolkit

pypi-based Installation#

While the conda-based installation is recommended, it is also possible to install the atomistics package via the Python Package Index:

pip install atomistics

As the atomistics package depends on the Atomic Simulation Environment the effective medium theory potential simulation code EMT is automatically installed with the basic installation of the atomistics package.

Beyond the basic installation of the atomistics package it is also possible to install the extra requirements for specific simulation codes directly from the Python Package Index. It is important to mention that apart from the GPAW simulation code, the simulation codes are not distributed via the Python Package Index, so they have to be installed separately.


GPAW - Density functional theory Python code based on the projector-augmented wave method

pip install atomistics[gpaw]


LAMMPS - Molecular Dynamics:

pip install atomistics[lammps]


Phonopy - open source package for phonon calculations at harmonic and quasi-harmonic levels:

pip install atomistics[phonopy]